Friday, 17 February 2012

don't count me chew.

My day:

As usual, it began with a morning walk with Junaberry. I got to her crib and she wasn't in sight (usually she sits outside her front door), naturally I assumed she must be hiding (because she does that sort of thing) I scanned the front yard, took a couple of steps forward and surely enough, I looked down to my right, to find her crouched behind her mailbox. Despite the fact that I pretty much found her immediately, for the next five minutes she exclaimed to herself how it was such a good hiding place.

After a good breakfast of vanilla almond porridge I got ready to go over to the Salvos. Stayed there for a few hours, colour coding/tidying up and working the register [like a boss] and putting my satisfactory excellent customer service/social skills to good use. Little S and [I would say Little W, but there is only 1 'W' and I like the sound of Big W more] Big W stopped by and headed off. [Lil S came back a bit later after she had walked Big W home] Just before Little S and I were scheduled to head over to the bus [we had a lady date with Junaberry] I headed out back to collect my stuff and K the acting manager at the Salvos presented me with a lovely bouquet of flowers. [which was totally unexpected]

Since uni is going back soon she knows I probably won't be able to regularly commit to volunteering there, so as a goodbye present she gave me these and a lovely card. K is seriously one of the nicest people I know [and I'm not just saying that because she gave me flowers] She's just one of those rare people who is super nice/friendly, which makes for a great manager and a great working environment. There are only a few people in my life who I would put in this category - like 'a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day', cheesy/cliche but that's how I regard them.

Anyway I purchased a few books for my sister [at an insanely discounted price, courtesy of K] and dashed home with Lil S to drop off my flowers/work clothes/purchases and then we dashed to the bus stop with a few minutes to spare.

The initial plan was to go to Hans [Junaberry is a fake asian and enjoys it - that said I used to really like it, but since going vego my options there are quite limited and not too thrilling] however, Little S and I outvoted her so we just food courted it.

Make-your-own-salad from Sumo: mixed lettuce leaves, falafel, pumpkin, chickpeas, snowpeas, corn, walnuts, sesame seeds with a lemon spice dressing. [with a complementary bread roll of course] Was delicious.


I knew what eating establishment Junaberry would purchase her lunch from before we even told her we weren't going to Hans. Don't know exactly what this was...mexican food of sorts. [speaking of which I had 3 [yes three!] fajitas packed with tofu, brown rice, corn, lettuce, cucumber, avocado and salsa for dinner last night]


Looks like a ham [?] sub from Subway, packed with salad.

Following our feast we had way more fun than it is natural to have at [O]K-mart.
We <3 bargains.

Junaberry's first find: a pair of $10 heels. [which she contemplated getting for half an hour - 'but are they too whoreish???'. She didn't end up getting them.

TOTAL COST: 'Spray on Jeans' $5 + Shirt $5 + Heels $10 = $20!

TOTAL COST: 'Spray on jeans' $5 + Blouse $8 + Heels $10 = $23

Funny thing is, that after all the time we spent mucking around and becoming delirious over our potential bargains, the only item that was purchased was the white [daytime] t-shirt. [purchased by little s]

Later we went to the op-shop across the road. I got a dress for $5 and a top for $3.

It doesn't really photograph well, but it's pretty much the same cut as another dress I have and I didn't mind the print, and at that price it is a guilt-free purchase.

Same goes for this.

That's all for now, it's dinner time :)


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