Went for lunch/shopping with Stan, Big M and Little S today. (in an attempt to spend the little time we have left together) Came home with socks, underwear and a full stomach. Not the most exciting purchases, but beats staying at home... OH and I also bought Canola oil (on special at Woolies!), broccoli and tomatoes, as requested by my mother. (SO MUCH EXCITEMENT)
Naturally our first major stop was OK-Mart, but I'm sad to say, my ol' reliable store, let me down. The clothing was pretty tasteless. (Little S compared it to Supre - harsh, but accurate) Got three pairs of socks for $2 though, which was good.
Went to the food court for lunch (classy). Naturally I had Sumo Salad, Stan had Salsas, Big M had Sumo and KFC and Little S had KFC and Red Rooster. (ironic how the littlest of us all had the most unhealthy meal...though to be fair, she hadn't had breakfast and usually doesn't eat like this - except for having 2 dinners every now and then) ...the fact that they hit up multiple fast food joints sounds more impressive, but I assure you my meal (surely by weight/volume) was larger. I had 3 varieties of the pre made deli salads (medium size): spicy lentils and couscous - falafel, barley and quinoa - falafel barley and cous cous - or something like that. They were all good and complemented one another. I can't believe I managed to finish the whole thing! (OK, I'm lying - of course I finished the whole thing, it is ME we're talking about here.) That said I'm still stuffed 4 hours after having finished this... was the most filling thing I've ever had from Sumo Salad. Sometimes this particular one can be stingy (the city food court is generally more generous) but this time they piled it on. (BEST PART was I got it for free, because I had been saving my Sumo points)
STAN'S LUNCH... a burrito of some sort (I think)
BIG M'S LUNCH. (blurred pic of KFC above - she was trying to shove my camera away to hide her shame) and her small Sumo salad (look's pretty gross here, to be honest because of the dressing on the lid)
LITTLE S had a KFC burger and Red Rooster chips...I didn't manage to acquire photographic evidence of this.
Afterwards we shopped around a little and stopped by the op shop across the road, but I was disappointed by their selection also. Then Stan and I went to Woolworths (to get oil obvously) and after to the fruit and veg shop, where we were accosted by an elderly asian lady, who (if I heard correctly) asked us if we were Chinese and reached into her handbag, presumably to pull out the pamphlets/whatever they were that were inside. Stan politely declined for us and we proceeded to browse the fresh produce. Then we met Big M and Little S at the bus station (they had gone to acquire a metallic pen from a newsagency) and made our journey home. Stan chuckled to herself on the bus...Little S became concerned.
Now I'm at home. Been on the internet a bit. Stan asked me to put up the photos she took of me whilst I was eating today in a folder called 'walk throughs'. I was confused.
Our conversation went like this:
STAN: littlemishelle, can i suggest making a folder called "walk through" and putting a bunch of the model shots i took of you up on facebook?!?!?! SO FUNNEH.
ME: wait...walk through?
ME: ??? All I remember from Tyra is 'smizing'. *'SMEYES-ING'
STAN: that thing where the models go into audition at model agencies or whatever with their portfolios and shit.
ME: OH a 'go-see'?? LOL
STAN: LOL YEAH. what's a walk through lmao? i think that's from the devil wears prada actually...
Just for the record, don't judge our reference to top modelling and such. I used to watch ANTM in my youth, but now find it incredibly embarassing/ridiculous to watch. In other news I have started reading 'The Help' by Kathyn Stockett (I'm sure you all know about this considering it was made into a movie - which I have not yet seen) I'm only about 30 pages in, but am liking it so far (the writing style is easy to get into)
Music of the moment:
I discovered this project last year in my precedent research and it has since been referenced by other people I know/my last studio coordinator. Modern Japanese design = flawless.

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