Thursday, 6 December 2012

Gangsta [w]rap...

Here's a picture of some fried ice cream I had last Sunday night...and my Hokkien noodles, both from a local Vietnamese restaurant. Just thought I'd post these for your viewing pleasure...
In other news also went to see The Perks of a Wallflower the other day - was better than anticipated. I would reveal that I kept crying, but that could totes ruin my street cred, so I won't. Was nicely done, good choice of cast too... I would recommend it, probably the best movie I've seen in a while (however I rarely see [good] movies, so that's not a particularly difficult title to gain - keep your expectations low and you'll probably enjoy) Good soundtrack too...
Going to be working like a mad dog this coming week - opening the shop 3 days, closing on Saturday and my shortest shift is 5 hours, longest is 9.
Today, however I'm off to do some giftwrapping like a boss. Here's to hoping all the items that I'm given are perfectly rectilinear/rectangular prisms/cubes... wish me luck :)

1 comment:

  1. COCO...NUT.

    imagine if coconut was actually as its name suggests.


    The question is, what KIND of nut? Pecan? Almond? Peanut (eaux)? Macadamia?

    And, if we're going to get technical, WHAT KIND OF CHOCOLATE? I'm a gal of simple tastes and would say a simple milk chocolate. Knowing you, you would go for the dark chocolate to be healthy etc.

    Think about it.

    Kind regards,

