Here's a picture of some fried ice cream I had last Sunday night...and my Hokkien noodles, both from a local Vietnamese restaurant. Just thought I'd post these for your viewing pleasure...
In other news also went to see The Perks of a Wallflower the other day - was better than anticipated. I would reveal that I kept crying, but that could totes ruin my street cred, so I won't. Was nicely done, good choice of cast too... I would recommend it, probably the best movie I've seen in a while (however I rarely see [good] movies, so that's not a particularly difficult title to gain - keep your expectations low and you'll probably enjoy) Good soundtrack too...
Going to be working like a mad dog this coming week - opening the shop 3 days, closing on Saturday and my shortest shift is 5 hours, longest is 9.
Today, however I'm off to do some giftwrapping like a boss. Here's to hoping all the items that I'm given are perfectly rectilinear/rectangular prisms/cubes... wish me luck :)
SO, I finished folio almost a month ago now, and while the first Friday of November usually marks the beginning of endless relaxation (and the accompanying boredom), I've managed to keep myself fairly occupied since then. (as Junaberry has frequently reminded me, I NEED structured activities)
This will probably be a fairly boring blog post, but I figure I'll just get everyone up to speed with what I've been up to...
Immediately after folio there was Open House *insert city in which I reside*. As an architecture student, I was SO KEEN for this and really enjoyed it. It served to get me even more pumped and excited about architecture in this city and allowed me to familiarise myself with the different architecture firms, that I may, in future, be employed by. Naturally the main sites I was interested in visiting were the architecture firms (good to get your face out there too, I think) so I managed to make it to around 3/4 of those that were open. There were a couple that stood out -
1. a well established and relatively large commercial practice
and on the other hand
2. a small sustainability oriented practice (that admittedly I had not heard of prior)
It was interesting to see how the different places operated/were set up. While, obviously destination 1 would be a highly respectable and probably exciting/busy place to work, I feel like I'd lean towards option 2. While their office was modest, it was sort of quirky (desks made of reclaimed/recycled doors with plants, natural light, etc dominating the environment) which I liked. Definite contrast to the first, but I loved them both.
I've been thinking quite a lot about my future as an architect, and the kind of work I'd ideally like to get involved in. (problem is how to balance this with actually having money to live, etc) There are a few really great sounding NGOs and other agencies that do work in the field of architecture, though I'm not sure how readily available opportunities to get involved in these will be where I live.
I recently went to a meeting for the last one, to sign up as a volunteer, so I'm hoping some things will come up that I can get involved in. Have also started reading this book (been wanting to read it for years, and only recently discovered the uni library has it):
It showcases a number of design responses to humanitarian crisis and community housing issues. (from temporary tent/shelters to community centres) It's a really interesting read for anyone interested in how design (the importance of which is often devalued in society) can be used to improve the quality of life, etc for people. Once I finished this, I'm going to try get my hands on a copy of a Design Like You Give A Damn 2.
Some stand outs:
Been a fan of Shigeru Ban for a while now:
Paper Log Houses
(they are exactly what they sound like - structures made of cardboard tubes)
I also though Nader Khalili's Super Adobe/Cal-Earth domes were interesting:
Where the above turns into something like this:
But that's enough of that for now.
I have more the post about, particularly my Summer holiday job/travel plans, among other things, however I think I'll leave it there for now. On a side note, finally bought San Cisco/Last Dinosaurs albums yesterday. GOOD STUFF INDEED.